Technique H53:Using the body of the object
Documents that load media with the object
This technique relates to:
- 1.1.1: Non-text Content (Sufficient)
- 1.2.3: Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) (Sufficient when used with Linking to the alternative for time-based media using one of the following techniques )
- 1.2.8: Media Alternative (Prerecorded) (Sufficient when used with Linking to the alternative for time-based media using one of the following techniques )
The objective of this technique is to provide a text alternative for content rendered
using the object element. The body of the object
element can be used to provide a
complete text alternative for the object, or may contain additional non-text content
text alternatives.
Fallback content for the object
element is only available to the user when the media loaded by the element is not
rendered by the user agent, because the user agent does not support the media technology
or the user has instructed the user agent not to render that technology. In these
situations, the fallback content will be presented to the user. If the media is rendered
without the fallback content, the media needs to be directly accessible. Authors can
only rely on this technique to satisfy the success criterion if they are not relying
on the direct accessibility of the media's technology in their conformance claim,
and reasonably expect users will be able to access the fallback.
Example 1: An object includes a long description that describes it
<object classid="">
<p>Here is some text that describes the object and its operation.</p>
Example 2: An object includes non-text content with a text alternative
<object classid="">
<img src="staticlogo.gif" alt="Company Name" />
Example 3: The image object has content that provides a brief description of the function of the image
<object data="companylogo.gif" type="image/gif">
<p>Company Name</p>
Example 4
This example takes advantage of the fact the object
elements may be nested
to provide for alternative representations of information.
<object classid="java:Press.class" width="500" height="500">
<object data="Pressure.mpeg" type="video/mpeg">
<object data="Pressure.gif" type="image/gif">
As temperature increases, the molecules in the balloon...
Other sources
No endorsement implied.
- Check that the body of each
element contains a text alternative for the object.
Expected Results
- #1 is true.